As many of you will know, I am a HUGE fan of Annie Sloan & her amazing chalk paint! But, I have also recently become besotted with her fabric! The range is just gorgeous, From Toile, to Ticking, to Florals & Linens, there’s something for everyone!
If you visit Annie’s website you will find every fabric is shown with paint colours that are designed to work perfectly with each material, Annie has taken all of the guesswork out of it for us!
From sofa’s, to Lampshades, Cushions, curtains, tablecloths, the list goes on! This gorgeous fabric can be used in any room of the house to compliment any decor.
But wait, There’s more!
Annie Sloan hasn’t just given us a range of fabrics, she has also made some tutorials that even the novice sewers amongst us can have a go at (Yup, That’s me, I’m holding my hands up to this one!)
Annie Sloan Fabric Tutorials are perfect for the beginners, and more experienced alike!
The first tutorial in the series shows how to make a simple trimmed edge cushion cover. I spend so much money buying ready made cushion covers, so this is perfect for me!
The second tutorial shows how to make a simple lined curtain! It looks so easy, and I really want to give this a go, just got to invest in a sewing machine 🙂
Annie Sloan’s latest tutorial is how to make a Swedish Blind. Wow, this one just blew me away! The fabric combination is just awesome, and it looks so simple to do, I think I could tackle that!
These tutorials are perfect for the beginner, but also great for ideas of how to put different fabrics together. I love Annie’s ideas, and I spend hours looking through her website to get ideas for colour combinations for furniture, and now it’s all there for combining the fabric too!
I hope you enjoy these tutorials. If Annie Sloan adds any more, I’ll add them to this blog & let you all know!
Have fun with your sewing!
Until next time,
Sam x