how to make stencils

How to Make Stencils using Inkscape.

How to Make Stencils – Using Inkscape In this tutorial, I will take you step by step through how to make stencils using Inkscape.  “Hang on – why are you showing us how to make stencils? Surely you want people to buy your mouldings?” I hear you ask. Well, sure, but I recognise that sometimes…

Transfer Prints

How to Transfer Prints from Paper

How to Transfer Prints from Paper to Projects. Here you will learn how easy it is to transfer prints from paper to your craft projects. This technique gives you do much freedom. You can use prints from your home printer, so the possibilities are many Photos, logos, text, images – use your imagination and this…

Easy Craft Projects

Easy and fun paint effects

Easy Paint Effect Techniques for Home DIY Projects. DIY projects aren’t just about saving money or getting unique décor for your home. They can be fun and very satisfying too. I’ve put together a list of easy painting techniques that can be used on a multitude of projects. In this case, I have chosen a…

Easy Craft Projects

10 Easy Craft Projects for Decorative Mouldings.

10 Easy Craft Projects for Decorative Mouldings Making a piece of interior decor for yourself is extremely satisfying. You can customise it to your exact aesthetic, so you know it will fit with the look you are going for. And finishing a project isn’t the only satisfying part. You get to see your project and…